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Welcome to Albion Primary School

Using still photography

In the autumn term Alex Brattel, a freelance photographer came to our school to work with the children in ICT club and our Thursday Gifted and Talented programme.

He showed the children some of his work on his website and gave them some tips about taking pictures. Then in groups, the children went around the school, taking pictures of it and themselves. Luckily on that day we were fortunate to have a visit from the London Fire Brigade, so we got some photographs with the fire engine and the fire fighters.

The next week we looked at the photographs and decided what we liked and didn’t like. It was quite hard to explain a justification for our opinions! There were so many good photographs that we had to do a second edit. After the second edit we wrote some captions to go with our photographs.

Everyone enjoyed working with Alex. He is a fun person to work with and really enthusiastic about his work.

The children really enjoyed the experience. Most of them had not taken photographs with a stills camera before. Many were impressed with their results.

Click here to see the results
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