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= Response to NUBIART DIARY (30 Dec 07) - Lester Lewis Tribute / Annual Reviewþ
~ Thanks .....good triggers. sorry to hear about Lester Lewis's death ....... is there anything happening this side in his memory? Yeno
~ Good Morning Brother Kubara, Keep it up. I will definitely print this information for our records. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Kaday
=== = Response to NUBIART DIARY (20 May 07) - 'Police & Presidents'
Below is a section of the reportback for last week. There follows an exchange of e-mails regarding the legacy of British PM Tony Blair.
=== ~ On the legacy of Tony Blair, who announced his resignation as British Prime Minister last week we, at Nubiart, see no progress as Afrikans are still dying in custody and dead bodies are piling up globally directly attributable to Tony Blair and the Scottish political mafia. He has also widely expanded the intrusive state. His 10th anniversary also coincided with the British state celebrations to mark the 200th anniversary of a law passed in the British Parliament but for us it will be remembered because “as much as Britain says we’ve done a really good thing ending enslavement you can turn round and say ‘well, hold on an minute. You wouldn’t have to end it if you hadn’t started it! You wouldn’t have to end it if you didn’t start it!’ So when they come with the thing you just say ‘well, we never told you to get involved in that – that was your choice.’ If you choose to get involved in enslaving people you can’t turn round and say, ‘Oh! It’s really good we’ve stopped enslaving people,’ can you? You can’t really. You know it don’t make sense. It’s like that thing people say, ‘when did you stop beating your wife?’ You don’t know tomorrow you might go back and beat your wife so tomorrow you might go back and enslave people because you’ve got history and if you’ve got a history of behaving like that then you might say, ‘OK! We haven’t enslaved anybody for two weeks, we’re doing really good y’know.’
“It’s like when people go to Alcoholics Anonymous and they haven’t had a drink for two weeks or something they say, ‘Oh! We haven’t enslaved anybody for two weeks, can we get a pat on the back and be told that we’re really wonderful, we’re really tolerant, that we’re really, really, really nice people?’ And it’s like, No! Because you enslaved people in the past and you have the potential to enslave people in the future so until you’ve shown that you have completely broken away from the habit of enslaving people and exploiting people and doing all those things. Then we can move on and we can say OK! Yes! Then we accept that your behaviour has modified but when somebody is still lying to you, still cheating you, still robbing you, still killing you, still everything, and then saying ‘Oh! But we’re really wonderful because 200 years ago we made a law. I’m like, well, what? In my face today that law don’t mean nothing ‘cos nobody is treating me any better than they were treating me 200 years ago, I can tell you.”
=== ~ Subject: From Web Site Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 16:28:46 +0200
Dear Editor,
What you say about slavery in your Editorial appears to me very odd.You seem to think that because someone (in this case Britain) has enslaved in the past they could lapse (you use alcoholics and wife-beaters as an example) and return to enslaving people again. But this is to overlook the fact that an enormous moral advance has been made since the abolition of slavery, and the whole concept is repugnant to Europeans as a whole. There is no way that any European Union member state could return to a policy of slavery. If you believe that there is, I would be curious to know what evidence you have for it.
Another point about slavery is that it is something so ancient, and, in the past, was so integral a part of life in the East and in Africa, that to keep accusing a nation which was the pioneer in its abolition is less than honest. Moerover, what hope would those who enslaved Africans in the Arab world, the Americas and indeed in Africa itself, have had of acquiring slaves, if it hadn't been for the active participation and complicity of African rulers in the interior of the continent, which no Europeans reached until the latter half of the nineteenth century?
Kind regards, David Eades
~ Hi David,
Thanks for your e-mail and checking our website.
Are you a Labour Party supporter? Part of the 'New' Labour project? Or their 'rapid rebuttal service'? I'm not trying to be rude I am just trying to find out where exactly you are coming from. I will state unequivocally that I think Tony Blair is corrupt, lying, cheating, thieving, fascistic reptilian pondlife. I did not say that on my show so the summary you read on the website is what I said on air relating to his legacy.
- He has been promoting corruption through the Formula 1 / Ecclestone Affair, cash for questions, etc;
- He lies when he says that Iraq had weapons ready to hit Britain within 45 mins and when he says that Afrikan parents do not condemn the violence plaguing the Afrikan community.
I hope I don't need to go through every word of that phrase for you to get the general picture.
Now to get to what I said about slavery. Slavery / enslavement also included murder, torture, starvation, exploitation, capitalism, imperialism, servitude, arrogance, racism, rape, incarceration in prison and mental institutions, denial of human rights, splitting up of families, cruel and degrading treatment. Passing a law while wearing a wig is not the end of that list and the last time I checked most of the list were current and lived realities for hundreds of millions of Afrikans.
What is the moral advance that allowed people to test nuclear weapons across the world and drop them on inhabited cities? What moral advance threw the Chagossians of their islands? What moral advance allows for the slaughter of 600,000 Iraqis, 200,000 Darfuris, 5 million Congolese? What moral advance supported apartheid? What moral advance makes it a crime to non-violently protest against your government when they are about to willingly break international law? What moral advance sees 1,000 Afrikans killed in police, prison and mental health custody and not one officer is convicted or jailed yet a policeman can be convicted for ill-treating a dog? What moral advance means that Britain has more CCTV than any other country in the world and is the most spied upon society in the world? What moral advance encouraged Tony Blair to renege on the Lancaster House agreement to compensate white farmers in Zimbabwe then cajole other governments and institutions to destroy the Zimbabwean economy instead of helping people that they see are trying to stabilise and equalise their country? What moral advance?
Perhaps you share Tony Blair's worldview and pecadilloes!!!
"Another point about slavery is that it is something so ancient, and, in the past, was so integral a part of life in the East and in Africa, that to keep accusing a nation which was the pioneer in its abolition is less than honest. Moerover, what hope would those who enslaved Africans in the Arab world, the Americas and indeed in Africa itself, have had of acquiring slaves, if it hadn't been for the active participation and complicity of African rulers in the interior of the continent, which no Europeans reached until the latter half of the nineteenth century?"
You raised this so let me address it in the best way I know how. Mr Eames if you travelled 5,000 miles to another continent and culture and came across one man raping his wife would you then join in, internationalise, industrialise and capitalise on that exploitative situation for 400 years and then claim 'Clean hands' when someone highlights that no-one told you, Tony Blair, or your ancestors to become false beneficiaries in a cultural set-up you obviously did not understand. Turning round and saying 'I saw you committing a crime so I thought I would join in and control the whole criminal underworld globally' is really a very strange morality - and you say my thinking is odd!
I hope I have addressed all your points and that you see that it is not that my thinking is very odd but perhaps I do not share your worldview and perception of some fictional great European moral advancement that they have bequeathed to humanity. Remember, most Afrikans did not engage in slavery of any form - serfdom, indentured, etc. Why did Europeans choose to come to Afrika and hook up with those open to the most exploitative and dysfunctional forms of social structure instead of those who practised more equitable forms of social interaction? Perhaps, now that I live in Britain I should corner the market in paedophilia and run an international paedophile syndicate for 400 years because there are a few paedophiles here?
Kubara Zamani Nubiart Producer / Presenter
~ Subject: Kubara Zamani Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 13:07:21 +0200
Dear Kumara,
Thanks for your reply, and no, I'm not a Labour Party supporter, I'm not even British, so you can say what you like about Tony Blair as far as I'm concerned! I was just interested in your view of slavery and the fact that its abolition in the British Empire does not appear to you to be a step forward. Slavery can never be justified, but it was practised throughout the world until, as you know, the anti-slavery movement in Britain managed to change matters. This is what, to me, was the great moral advance - that people who, up to then, had thought that slavery was fully, partly or in certain circumstances, justified, came to believe that it was not, under any circumstances. The morality of slavery was questioned, and found to be wanting.
The lack of moral advance around the world in other matters is a different question. I was referring only to slavery. It was one exploitative system which we have had the conviction to abolish, and that, to me, is a moral advance. There is nothing fictional about it (you mentioned a "fictional great European moral advancement") - it really did happen.
What I can't understand is why you have me, Tony Blair, or my ancestors justifying slavery by saying "I saw you committing a crime so I thought I would join in and control the whole criminal world globally" (sorry, I really don't understand that sentence), and then telling me that this is a very strange morality. Re-reading my email I can't see how you can construe that this idea even crossed my mind. I don't justify slavery. Neither do the states of the European Union, nor, indeedn any UN member state.
One point you did not cover (you mentioned that you hoped you had covered all my points) is, that those who enslaved Africans could only have done so with the participation and complicity of African rulers and strongmen in the interior of Africa. This is something which is normally ignored. Their African masters have just as great a share of guilt for the lot of the people they sold into slavery as the European, Arab and other races who bought them.You say that most Africans did not engage in slavery in any form. One could also say that most Europeans did not engage in slavery either.
I enjoyed looking at your website. I was always apalled at what had been done to the Chagossians (through my interest in them I came across your website yesterday), loyal subjects of the Crown going about their daily lives who happened to be in the way of great-power politics. I am delighted that the Court of Appeal in the UK has done justice to them and decided against the government. Let's hope that 40 years of wrong will at last be put right.
Just 2 questions about your website: Has Nubiart anything to do with the ancient Nubian kingdoms, or with the Nuba people of Sudan?
Why is Africa/African spelled with a k? I thought at first that it meant your website had something to do with the Afrikaaners!
Best regards, David Eades
PS. You wanted to know where I am coming from. Well, my background is the tolerant, Christian European tradition which is today exemplified in the ideals of the European Union: respect for human rights, freedom of speech, free elections, equality of chances, help for regions and countries in need...
~ Hi David,
The British would not have to stop slavery if they had not engaged in it in the first place. Having engaged in it they industrialised, internationalised, capitalised, monetised and dominated the field. They stopped slavery not because of moral progress but because they had devised another form of economic exploitation to take its place. If they had suddenly decided that Afrkans were no longer sub-human or 3-5ths of a person why did it take another 150 years for most Afrikans to get even limited 'flag-and-anthem-independence'?
I have just come back from a talk today about Liberia and Sierra Leone. The British continued to engage in slavery in Sierra Leone until 1928. Sierra Leone did not receive independence until the 1960's - that does not fit with any 1807 abolition theory. The British allowed multinationals to come into Sierra Leone and grossly exploit the people. That continuous exploitation and discrimination and theft of resources meant that the country was never freed from the ties of British imperialism. Multiply that around the world for all the countries that Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, etc considered their sphere of influence.
Enslavement became capitalism / colonialism / imperialism / neo-colonialism. The problem is not the specifics of the economic model of exploitation by rapacious foreigners of Afrika and Afrikans but that exploitation started and continues with western / European countries running the World Bank / IMF, setting commodity prices, crashing economies, corrupting officials and organising coups and wars. The intentions of the former slavers and their subsequent treatment of Afrikans indicates a continuing contempt for Afrikan lives.
Europeans are the main beneficiaries of the enslavement of Afrikans (I'll keep this paragraph short so you see it in its entirety).
I addressed the issue of Europeans coming across people doing things and deciding to corner the market in it - that is what I find a suspect morality. If I jumped off a cliff would you encourage all your family and friends to jump off a cliff and say 'well I came across one Afrikan doing it so I decided to rope in everybody I know and do the same'? I gave the example of coming across a man raping his wife. The examples are very straightforward to me. There are times when individuals do not copy all the behaviours they come across. Your dad might like to fix his car all day Sunday but you prefer to go to the pub. Your brother might be a boxer and you are a pacifist. So you make choices to follow or adopt certain behaviours and values and reject others. I can't explain it any other way or more clearly than that.
It is false to say Europeans only engaged in slavery where they came across it. Why did Europeans take slavery to Afrikan societies that did not practice it? They internationalised the local systems they came across and pushed it globally - Afrikans did not do that before coming under the spell of Europeans. Neighbouring Afrikan nations had different economic and political systems so even on the same stretch of land one system was not necessarily imposed on people in the next village or 5 miles away. It's like Camden and Islington having different moral codes and political structures and someone imposing an overarching dysfunctional structure on them that decimates their economics, politics, family and culture. Then expanding it 400-fold in time and geographical area so there is no way to escape that anti-life, dysfunctional worldview.
David, I think the two answers from yesterday and today are in-depth enough for you to see the difference in scale, duration and morality between the economic and social systems which some sections of Afrikan societies engaged in and the wholesale chattel enslavement and mass transportaton of millions of people controlled by the Europeans.
Nubiart came from an amalgamation of Nubia and art to indicate that we covered Afrikan issues but were not limited to the dry, formulaic presentaion of political or development issues but covered all aspects of Afrikan culture. As is obvious we are not in any way, shape or form related to Dutch Boers, who adopted the name, Afrikaans as a front for stealing Afrikan land and resources. They chose that word as a way of pretending that they had claim to the southern part of Afrika as part of the European colonial project. We know who they are, what they are and where they came from and we are not fooled or impressed by them and their activities.
Afrika with a 'k' is because most Afrikan languages do not have the letter 'c' representing the 'k' sound. 'C' is more closely related to the 's', 'sh' or 'ch' sounds. We try to reflect that reclamation of Afrikan linguistics and worldview wherever we can.
~ Hi Kubara,
I haven't replied to you before now as I was away.
You raised a few interesting points. One is that the British wouldn't have had to stop slavery if they hadn't engaged in it in the first place. I don't think that holds true - in Europe we try to stop many things which we don't (as nations) engage in, eg genocide, drug- and human-trafficking, and I think that such crusades are born of a need and desire to see that good is done, and not evil. People come to realise that what was at one time considered normal, is not in fact normal, but inhuman. That is what happened 200 years ago in Britain. Nor do I see how Britain could have dominated the slavery business, there were slaves all over the world who were trafficked in by dealers who had no connection to Britain. Just think of the Arab world, Muslim Africa and South America.
Regarding Sierra Leone, I don't know how the British could have engaged in slavery there till 1928 if it had been abolished in 1807. What evidence is there? We hear nowadays of slavery in Sudan. Who is behind it there?
Talking about "rapacious" foreigners seems to me to put all the blame on one side for all the wrongs in Africa today, and that is less than the reality. Most multinationals these days have what could be called a social conscience and build schools, hospitals, infrastructures, housing for their workers - this is something which is, of course never mentioned, as it doesn't fit in with received wisdom on rapaciousness and multinationals. On top of that the EU has an enormous number of programmes which give practical assistance to Third World countries, particularly in Africa (think of the ACP agreements) and funds micro-projects for communities in need of help, where the money goes directly to the project and its realisation, and not into the hands of the local rulers (which is where a great deal of aid goes, as you will know - how come that Mercedes exports more top-of-the range limos to Africa than anywhere else?). Have a look at www.europethirdworld.eu
Now, as to following examples, I don't see what jumping off a cliff and rape have to do with slavery. If you find someone jumping off a cliff you would probably not be inclined to follow his example unless you were feeling particularly suicidal that day. Rape is something which, no doubt, satisfies a desperate physical need, it is not necessary for most men as such needs can be satisfied without going to so much dangerous trouble. Slavery was in response to another need, economic, and it was considered a legitimate means to economic ends; this is no longer the case.
I agree about the difference in scale between European and African societies in the past, Europe was far more developed economically, and still is, and had the means to exploit other, less developed, nations. But is that not a human trait? Or do you believe that Europeans are evil and Africans are basically good-hearted souls who would never do harm? I'm just thinking about very recent history in Rwanda, Liberia, Sierra Leone. Or what is happening today in Darfur and Zimbabwe.
Yesterday, here in Brussels, I and some friends met a woman from Rwanda. Her story was so heart-rending I could hardly bare to listen to it, yet, she described the murder of all her family, the destruction of her home and farm, her flight across 1000 kms of hostile jungle territory with such dignity that we were filled with admiration for her. Her plans? To go back, and with help from people here, try to build up some sort of centre of reconciliation, so that healing can begin. Her story is a wonderful example of how a victim can put the horror of experience to work for something positive. As she said, she was spared, and it was for a reason, and that is now her mission. Isn't that inspiring? It is a lesson which I hope other people can also learn.
Finally, (and I don't want to keep going on about this, but I am curious) what is your view of the African rulers and chiefs far away in the interior, where no European ever went till the latter half of the 19th century, who sold their people into slavery?
To change the subject completely, what are your views on what has happened since the late 70s to the Nuba people of central Sudan? We don't hear very much any more about that tragedy, how those unfortunate people were set upon by their fellow countrymen, raped, imprisoned, massacred, their homes and farms destroyed, their culture and way of life attacked with brutality. I followed this story very closely, and it seems that now the Nuba have been left alone and can start to rebuild their lives. But what was it all for? Will the Khartoum government ever be brought to justice?
Hope to hear from you soon, best regards, David
~ Hi David,
I've addressed most of your points regarding Britain and its pre-eminent role in benefiting from enslavement and colonialism and its sharing out of spheres of influence with their European compatriots and business partners in my previous two e-mails - I think you should reread them again very closely. I would also suggest that you read Eric Williams - 'Capitalism and Slavery' and Walter Rodney - 'How Europe Underdeveloped Africa'. They can give you the answers more eloquently than I ever could.
Regarding Sierra Leone, the constitution of Sierra Leone only outlawed slavery in 1928 - it was at that point still a British colony.
Regarding the Nuba, their situation will be highlighted again in about two years time in the run-up to the referendum on southern Sudan independence as the Nuba are caught between not wanting to be dominated and marginalised by the Dinka but at the same time are unlikely to ever receive good treatment from the central government in Khartoum.
= Response to NUBIART DIARY (13 May 07) - Chagos Islands (BIOTPP)
~ Hi Kubara, As you can imagine, with the judgement due out on Wednesday, I am rather busy but I wanted to find time to say I thought the radio interview with Allen was great. You obviously had a very good grasp of the subject but drew Allen out without dominating the discussion. I even learnt something I didn't know already - US forces countries with bases to sign immunity agreements! Sadly, I can't get to court on Wednesday although most of our committee will be there. Best wishes, Celia. Secretary, UK Chagos Support Association
= Response to NUBIART DIARY (6 May 07) - Nkrumah at OAU Launch / The Afars
~ Dear Kubara:
I am proud of you for the strength of your sense of duty to your Afrikan community. Remain strong and nothing will be wrong.
It’s very timely to remind us all of what Nkrumah said in Addis in 1963 as there is a crucial AFRICAN UNION summit in Accra early July to decide on a continental government for Afrika. Accra has come full cycle and our ancestors are talking to those who would listen as history repeats itself in Accra come July with Kufuor as the Chairman of the African Union. In 1965, Nkrumah was the Chair of the OAU and the West with their quisling African leaders tried to torpedo the summit from taking place in Accra and under Nkrumah’s leadership. Those leaders who dared to gather in Accra in 1965 got frightened when Nkrumah told them that they would not leave the conference hall until they reached a consensus on an African Union Government. In 1997, at the 40th anniversary of Ghana’s independence, President Nyerere, as the guest of honour in Accra, confessed, as much, to how they all betrayed Nkrumah and the cause of Afrikan Unity. Some them, Nyerere revealed for the first time, asked themselves: “What am I returning home as? What happens to my flag and anthem? What about my airways and also the name of my country? What would my seniors become? How would the world refer to me?”
And now the leaders of today are meeting in Accra in July at the instigation of Gaddafi to concentrate only on the business of why they should muster the political will to agree to establish an AFRIKAN GOVERNMENT NOW and not tomorrow. Believe me, Anglo-America, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Norway and Holland will all descend en masse in Accra to lobby our leaders to betray AFRIKA whistling to these weak-kneed African leaders that: “Gaddafi wants to be President of Africa.” That’s how the enemies of Africa poisoned those African leaders who gathered in Accra in 1965.
The question facing us all is the lesson that our leaders have learnt since 1965. Are they going to betray Afrika or is civil society going to allow them to do so?
Where is our voice?
Remain strong,
= Response to: NUBIART DIARY (8 Apr 07) - Psychiatry / Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe
~ 'What Are We Actually Commemorating In 2007?'
Greetings Kubara, Thanks for the overview, I think you explained all this white washed information about the Abolition Act in a clear way. I forwarded part of it to my mail list. Keep spreading the word.
More Life and strength to you & all your works.
Louis Buckley, Black Nine Films
= Response to: NUBIART DIARY (1 Apr 07) - Toyin Agbetu / Southern Afrika / George Shire
~ What up, Kubara, You put me to shame, you're teaching me stuff about Zimbabwe that I should know. Thanx Fari PS God bless Toyin Agbetu
~ Blessed Love, Give thanks for this week’s article, and of course you can add our name to the list of supporters, the shame was the rest of the Niggers who just sat there and did not care about making the substantive effort which was to also stand up that is my concern. that most of the niggers inside that place are people who have sold old, in fact their ancestors helped to sell InI - Fact.. It is also clear for very long time that people such as Phillips, Lammy and the rest are a bunch od hypocrites - people who need to be regarded as our enemies and for ones who are not aware of these characters, and how they always cow tow to the shitstem, its not any surprise certainly not to Iperson.. Rmugabe should not be in power in Zimbabwe, he, and people of that ilk and silk are crushing the spirit of Afrika, with their continued nebelous actions, they have not trained future leaders instead clung on to power for over 25 years now without Zim getting better, playing a leading role in the final liberation of our continent, its pathetic, when you consider that people such as Mugabe, who is a communist, not even a Garveyite,, Afrikans should not be looking to consolidate a stateical but a collective oneness instead of having stupid individual states, put in place by Europe following the scramble for Afrika 1855 and berlin conference 1890, I can no longer support people such as Mugabe, Castro, etc these people have pass their sell by date completely and are beginning to stink, remember what happened in Haiti, what’s happening in Ethiopia, What is happening in Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, Angola, Mozambique, Nigeria, Ivory Cost, Liberia, Sierra Leone, How many more internal wars do we have to be fighting, because people are fighting each other backed by their colonial masters to kill, injure and maim each other, its complete madness.. and remember that Zim is experiencing these difficulties since 1991, when Mengistu fled there.. Peace out, Ras Messenger Messenger@blackhistory.com
= Response to: NUBIART DIARY (18 Mar 07) - Janet Edwards (Ebony Petalz) Interview
~ Hi Kubara, Just to note to say I have received the CD. Thank you so much for the slot and I have had very positive feedback from friends saying it was very professional and the music was very good. For those who missed it I will play it to them to get their views. All the best and keep up the good work. When I receive more feedback, I will let you know. Regards Janet
= Response to: NUBIART DIARY (25 Feb 07) - Ligali Interview
~ Greetings Afrikans everywhere. I hope that these comments can be included in the next issue or if they arrive too late, can be included in the issue after.
I want to make a few comments on the items on 3rd page of the newsletter. The statement that the Afrikan community was completely reactionary is so true of how we operate and live our lives. Most of us have absolutely no formal plan for our own lives let alone a plan for our children. Indeed most of us are running up and down travelling backwards and forwards without a thought to the fact that we do not own anything of substance to pass on to our children and our community.
Last Friday I was talking to a black woman at work about the gun crimes and suggesting to her that as a people we have to take on the responsibility for turning things around; her response was that she makes sure her son isn't doing any of these things. She takes him abroad regularly to Spain, New York etc. So I asked her if she didn't think that we have a responsibility to build up our own countries of origin so that our people can become strong.
I won’t go into the whole story because it would take up the whole newsletter but suffice to say that she couldn't see the point and I'm sure that there are many of our people out there who fail to see the point. The point is that we are relatively a powerless people around the world, who at present are at the beck and call of other nations. Our own leaders sell us out for money and most of us fail to take responsibility for our actions, standards and behaviour. Indeed it is always someone else’s fault. Now I am not saying that we haven't had a lot of help to put us in the condition that we are in but how long are we going to go on singing from the same song sheet.
This year as I understand it is TRUTH 2007 (MAAT YEAR) Our creator and our ancestors are showing us the absolute mess that our people are in, so when are we going to say that we are going to step forward NOW to change our situation. In the health service at the moment there are a lot of people being employed to TURN THINGS AROUND. This is what we need TURN AROUND people. Change can only come if we identify the problem, establish solutions and work on the solutions. In fact part of our problems is that we do not apply theory to practice. As a people we talk a big talk but we don't follow through. Well, this year our ancestors and the creator will expose everything for all to see, so we can carry on hiding behind all forms of RHETORIC. This will not make the truth go away. Regarding the part on absent fathers - this is a fact and no organisation or voluntary system can replace two parents bringing up children, setting standards and enabling our children to see how people operate in relationships. I work as a Health Visitor, this means that I go into homes to advise on all aspects of child development, child care and management of children. In my work let me tell you Black people from the Caribbean and England are hardly ever married (Sisters and brothers from the continent are usually married) and when they are, they are married to other races. What kind of example is this for our children.
I know for a fact that most Black women want to have a BLACK husband, someone to be there for them to share the ups and downs with and vice versa. There is something very wrong in our community and we are the only ones who can sort it out. We do not need David Cameron to tell us that we need to get married and stay married we should know and want this for ourselves.
If it looked bad to me that Black men and women are failing to marry each other and work hard at sustaining relationships and I am totally committed to Blackness then what must it look like to our enemies. Let's stop making excuses for why our people are in a dysfunctional state and get cracking creating a clean up plan. A plan based upon the information in the ‘Metu Neter’, ‘the Book of Coming Forth by Day’, and the Sacred Texts in the Husia.
I have a tape which I would like to show to the community it is from Education of the Black Child Conference 1996 in Manchester. Dr Patricia Newton speaks to us about TRUTH, about cleaning ourselves and our people up. She tells us that there needs to be a "PUSSEY REVOLUTION"; she tells us that sisters must demand KING-LIKE behaviour and brothers must demand QUEEN-LIKE behaviour. She talks about what must be done if we are to stop being seen as useless eaters around the world. I've got to go now because I'm typing this before I start work. In my opinion the challenge is ours do we want to stay as we are or are we going to face the truth and turn things around. One love Nzingha Assata Please also see my book ‘In Praise of Our Ancestors’ available from anzingha@hotmail.com