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Let us talk media!
Somalis are coming to Europe in large numbers and particularly in United Kingdom. But despite the larger number and the massive opportunities that lie ahead, the Somali community in Britain seems to have gone into obscurity. Little is known about them. Words were used such as the “invisible community” to describe their presence in this country. But the practical contribution of the Somalis is contrary to this. So what seems to be problem?

Some would say community leaders and intellectuals of the community have failed to represent their people in at least one major area which is crucial at this stage for the image of everyone and how a particular community interacts with others. This category is media.

At a time when communication and media influence affects almost every aspect of life, the community has chosen to keep mouth shut. Or perhaps the facility that would have helped to reach out to the rest of society is lacking.

There are challenging issue ahead - from social complications as a result of the new environment to responsibilities and contribution to this multi ethnic country. Sooner or later the community has to start meeting to talk among themselves and to plan how to relate to others.

In view of this and the lack of representation in this media-oriented environment, could a community media be the answer? Do we need a community media? Would a media outlet or an advocate media group empower the community and improve understanding and the inter-community relations the Somalis have with others? What is your role in this matter as a member of the community?

In this regard, a meeting between Professor Abdulkadir Jibril, feature writer Harun Hassan and Chris Haydon, Director of Community TV Trust, has led to a renewed campaign to start consultation process for a large scale Somali media project designed to assist the UK Somali diaspora.

A first meeting of representatives from four London boroughs is to take place on 12th January 2006 at the Rockingham Community Centre, Falmouth Street, Elephant & Castle SE1 at 4pm.

Somali version

Aan ka hadalno warbaahinta!

Tiro badan oo dad Soomaali ah ayaa imanaya Yurub gaar ahaan dalkan UK. Laakiin ka sokow tirada badan iyo fursadaha ballaaran ee hor yaalla, bulshada Soomaalida ah ee ku nool Biritan waxay u muuqataa mid qarsoon. Wax yar ayaa laga yaqaanaa. Waxa loo isticmaalay erayo ay ka mid yihiin “bulshada ili ma qabateyda ah” markii la tilmaamayo joogitaankooda dalkan. Laakiin waxqabadka dhabta ah ee Soomaalidu sidaas wuu ka duwan yahay. Haddaba dhibaatadu xaggey ka jirtaa?

Dadka qaar waxay dhihi karaan hoggaamiyayaasha iyo indheer-garadka bulshada ayaa ku guuldarraystay inay bulshada uga soo baxaan ugu yaraan hal dhinac oo muhiim u ah sawirka iyo joogitaanka qof kasta iyo sida bulsho ay ula mucaamishi dadka kale. Taasina waa warbaahinta.

Maadaama la joogo waqti ay waraabihinta iyo isgaarsiintu saamayn ku yeeshaan qaybaha kala duwan ee nolosha, bulshadu waxay dooratay inay afkeeda xirato oo aysan waxba sheegin. Waxa kaloo suurtogal ah inaysan haysanin taasiilaadkii u sahli lahaa inay bulshooyinka kale la xiriirto.

Waxa jira arrimo u baahan wax ka qabasho – dhibaatooyinka dhinaca ijtimaaciga ee ka yimid degaankan cusub iyo mas’uuliyadaha iyo ku biirinta waddankan ay ku nool yihiin bulshooyinka kala qowmiyadaha duwan. Goor ay ahaataba, bulshadu waa inay iska aragtaa arirmhan, dhexdoodana ka hadashadaa ayna qorshaysaa sidii ay ula xiriir lahayd kuwa kale.

Taas iyadoo niyadda lagu hayo iyo dhinaca qalabka warbaahinta oo aan bulshadeena cidi wakiil uga ahayn, xalku ma noqon karaa warbaahin bulsho oo la sameeyo? Ma u baahanahay warbaahin bulsho? Qalab warbaahineed ama hay’ad warbaahineed oo u doodda Soomaalida midkee ayaa xoojin kara bulshada iyo is-fahamka kala dhexeeya bulshooyinka kale? Muxuu yahay doorkaaga arrintan haddii aad tahay xubin ka tirsan bulshada?

Haddaba waxaa la qabanqaabiyey kulan ay ka soo qaybgli karaan dhammaan dadka ka tirsan bulshada Soomaalida ah, hoggaamiyayaasha, hay’adaha iyo qof kasta oo xiisaynaya. Ma jiraan ajandayaal qarsoon iyo fikrado la iska qaatay. Imow aragtidaadana dhiibo!