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Mothers Against Guns [MAG] are the UK branch of the NY initiated gun control group and were formed in 2002. Since its inception, MAG has attracted a large number of supporters, from all walks of life, united in the belief that action needs to be taken to bring about a change to gun laws.

MAG has expanded its operations to include providing counseling and advocacy services to those recently bereaved, offering educational packs with videos aimed at educating the young in the classroom and providing access to specialist lawyers.

With gun related violence becoming more prevalent in the UK than ever before, the time to join MAG before you and your family becomes another victim is more pressing than ever.

The facts speak for themselves – the Metropolitan Police found 72% of the firearms seized under Operation Trident were imitations, air weapons, blank firers or starter pistols that had been converted, modified or upgraded to fire bullets.

Join MAG now and make a positive difference to your community.

Upcoming Events

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11th August should go into your diary - we are planning a major event, the Million Mums March and concert.

To find out more contact us.